BCS Basketball and Cheering Tryout Information

BCS Basketball Tryout Information 

Tuesday, November 12 through Friday, November 15.

*Athletes will be assessed in two groups for the first day based on grade and new to our program. After the skills assessment on Day 1, two tryout groups will be formed. Coaches will notify athletes after the first night which group they are to tryout in for the remainder of the week.

Coaches have option to extend tryouts if need be or split into different groups after Day 1.

Location = Brewer Community School Gym (parents drop off/pick up is at the Gym/PAC entry-exit of BCS).

Athletes must have a physical on file.

Basketball is a “Cut” activity. Students who meet the selection criteria will be placed on either the “A” or “B” team based on ability determined by the coaching staff.

Athletes should be in proper athletic attire (SNEAKERS, gym shorts, appropriate shirt).


Tuesday, 11/12-  (Wednesday & remainder of the week are posted on the athletic website):

Boys “6th Grade & New to BCS Basketball” players- 2:30-3:45

Boys “Returning” players- 3:45-5:00

Girls “6th Grade & New to BCS Basketball” players- 5:00-6:15

Girls “Returning” players- 6:15-7:30

“New to BCS Basketball” players would be all 6th graders and any student who was not a part of the “A” or “B” teams last winter.             

“Returning” players are players who were on either “A” or “B” last winter.


Boys “A”- Coach Klein (lklein@breweredu.org). Boys “B”- Coach Dominick (rdominick@breweredu.org).

Girls “A”- Coach Dana Corey (dacorey@breweredu.org). Girls “B”- Coach Dubois (ddubois@breweredu.org).


Any questions about tryouts should be directed at the “A” team coaches.

Coaches may assess potential participation on teams based on current academics and demerit status. Continued participation will depend on the end of the First Trimester report card and academic eligibility standards set forth by the Brewer School Department.



 BCS Cheerleading Tryout Information

Tuesday, November 12 through Friday, November 15.

Coaches may choose to extend the tryouts if they need more days to assess the talent. 

Location = Center Street Gymnasium

·         Parents please pick up your child OUT BACK of Center Street. Students will exit through the back of Center Street gym.

·         Do not park between the gym and the “old middle school”.

·         Do not park on the residential side of the street (home owners request this).

·         Do not park along the side of the new “Village Center” housing complex close to the gym. Those parking spaces are designated and assigned specifically to tenants of the building.

All prospective athletes must have a physical on file.

Cheerleading is a “Cut” activity with a competition squad and possible “alternates” making the team. “A” Team Competition Cheerleaders generally do NOT cheer at home basketball games for Brewer Community School, as their skill sets are for competitions, not sideline support or pep squad cheer anymore. We may schedule a few opportunities for sideline cheerleading, so the squad can perform their routine at halftime leading up to competition season. 

If access numbers warrant, a “B” squad might be offered, with the opportunity for two competition opportunities (Brewer Cheer Invitational on January 17 and the Bangor Competition at Doughty on January 31st). 

Athletes should be in proper athletic attire (SNEAKERS, gym shorts, appropriate shirt).

A water bottle is recommended. 

EVALUATION TIME: 6:00-8:00 all week. 

Full season schedule will be posted to the athletic website; www.gobrewerwitches.com


Head Coach: Ali Smith: (asmith@breweredu.org) phone = call the main office @ BCS, 404-5700.

Assistant Coach: TBA 

Any questions about tryouts should be directed to Coach Smith.

Coaches may assess potential participation on teams based on current academics and demerit status. Continued participation will depend on the end of the First Trimester report card and academic eligibility standards set forth by the Brewer School Department.