BCS Fall Update


Fall Update

October 2, 2020

Upcoming Schedule

Week of 10/5-10-9

Friday, October 9th, will be a professional development day for staff.  No students will be in attendance on that day.  “A” day students will attend on Monday and Wednesday and “B” day students will attend on Tuesday and Thursday.

Week of 10/12-10-16

On Monday, October 12th, we will be observing Indigenous People’s Day.  No students or staff will be in attendance on that day.  “A” day students will attend on Tuesday and Thursday and “B” day students will attend on Wednesday and Friday.


Hybrid learners are required to attend school on their scheduled days, as well as any teacher scheduled lesson or activity on flex Wednesdays. If a child is going to be absent please notify the school office that morning.

Remote learners are required to attend all teacher scheduled lessons and activities assigned to them throughout the school week. If a child misses the remote session they are considered absent. Please notify the school office if your child is ill and unable to attend remotely.

Work Expectations

All students are required to complete any work that is assigned by their teacher(s). This work is not considered optional.  Students may seek additional help from their teacher(s) if needed on the days that they are in the building or on flex Wednesdays.


Students will be receiving traditional report cards for the 20/21 school year.  Grades and reporting will reflect content area learning, effort, work completion, and quality of work.  

We will not be sending home mid trimester reports this fall, as students will only have attended approximately 12 days of school at that point.  Teachers will be reaching out to the parents of students that may be struggling at that time to ensure that everyone is working towards supporting the student in becoming more successful.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

Jason Richards, Middle School Principal

Allison Kahkonen, Elementary Principal

Samantha Pangburn, Assistant Principal