- The deadline for all senior information and pictures for the yearbook is THIS Sunday. All forms and instructions can be found on the yearbook website. Go to the Brewer High School homepage and click on Clubs & Activity Information to get the link.
- Boys' Power Puff Volleyball is back! The Student Athletic Advisory Council is hosting this annual event on Wednesday, November 17th. It is $15 to play; signup sheets are in the main office. The deadline to sign up is Monday, November 1st. Don't miss out on this fun event. The juniors are the only ones with enough signed up to actually form a team! The freshmen almost have enough for a team. Where are you Seniors and Sophomores?? Remember, no pay, no play.
- Fellowship of Christian Athletes meets before school on Thursday mornings in room 309. If interested, see Mackenzie Gagnon
- Winter Sports Informational Meetings will occur next week, right after school. Tuesday: Boys Basketball in the gym, girls basketball in the cafeteria, swimming in the lecture hall and cheer in the library. On Wednesday, ice Hockey will meet in the lecture hall and indoor track in the gym. Mr. Utterback will be attending the indoor track meeting to discuss the University of Maine vaccine verification program and what that means for indoor track athletes and spectators.
- Wondering if you will be academically eligible for a winter sport? It's simple. Take a look at your report card when it comes out. If you fail two or more classes in the first quarter, you won't be eligible for a winter sport. If you fail UTC, you won't be eligible, as that counts at 4 credits. Incompletes are the same as a fail: two or more, and you won't be eligible.
- With the arrival of the colder, wet weather, we are pausing the senior privilege of eating outside during lunch. We will reinstate this privilege once the weather gets better in the Spring.
- The deadline to order a yearbook for the bargain price of $60 is Sunday, October 31st! Go online to yearbookforever.com

Morning Announcements 10-29-2021
October 29, 2021