- Math team practice will be held today from 2:25 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. in Rm 107.
- There will be a practice session for all Poetry Out Loud contestants today in the Lecture Hall directly after school until 3:00PM. This is for anyone who would like to practice their poem before the competition next Tuesday.
- Reminder Seniors that Fuel Raffle Tickets and money need to be returned to Mr. Maxsimic in Room 302 by January 16th.
- Fill the Alfond tickets are available today for Juniors and Seniors ONLY! All others can start to purchase their tickets next week. Tickets are $5 each.
- The Brewer High School General Scholarship Application is now available for all graduating seniors. The deadline is April 12th and Mrs. McDowell has emailed all of you information about the application. Please read the entire email before attempting to fill it out. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. McDowell in Student Services
- Reminder that buses leave at the end of the day promptly at 2:15

Morning Announcements! 01-05-2024
January 5, 2024