Morning Announcement
  • Tomorrow, (Thursday, December 22) is an early release day. If you would like a bag lunch from the cafeteria before dismissal, please sign up in the main office or in the cafeteria by Wednesday afternoon.
  • There is a lost and found table set up outside the media center, if you are missing something, please check it for any items you may be missing. Anything not claimed before the break will be donated. Thank you!
  • There will be a SAAC meeting on tomorrow (Thursday), after school on the early release day. It will be in the lecture hall. Any, and all student-athletes are invited to attend.
  • Congratulations to Twin City Nutrition athletes of the week: Brady Saunders from boys basketball and Brynn Lavigueur for swimming. To read more about them check out the new weekly athletic newsletter online.
  • Player Registration and application to help in Unified Basketball will begin upon the return from holiday break. Stay tuned for more information.