Take the family to a wonderful holiday tradition. "The Nutcracker in a Nutshell" will be performing at the Brewer Performing Arts Center. See the flyer for more information.

The 195th Army Concert Band Performs its holiday concert series at the Brewer Performing Arts Center. See the flyer for more information.

The Brewer School Department is open today, November 27th. All students have school.

“This evenings practices and tryouts are cancelled. This is BHS Boys Basketball, BHS Swim Dive and BCS “A” Cheer.
Tomorrow’s basketball tryouts will resume with the following schedule: all freshman report to Center Street from 9 am to 10:30 am. All sophomores, Junior and seniors from 10:30 am to noon at Center Street. Thank you.”

The mock trial team is moving on to the semi-finals. They will be competing in Portland on December 1st against Lewiston. We wish them luck!

Due to the snow and icy conditions today, there is no school, November 16 for the Brewer School Department. Central Office is also closed. Have a great weekend everyone!

Monday November 19th is an early release day in the Brewer School Department. There is no school for students from November 20th through November 23rd. We wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!

Parent teacher conferences will be held on Monday, November 19 at BCS and BHS from 1-7PM. On Tuesday, November 20 conferences at BCS will be held from 11-6PM and at BHS from 9-4PM. Please contact your schools if you have questions regarding signing up for conferences.

Parent Teacher Conferences are November 19th (1-7) and November 20th (9-4). Book your conferences by going to the following link: https://booknow.appointment-plus.com/6z7keg90/

Don't forget to shine up those pearly whites for Photo Retake day, November 6th!

The quarter closes this Friday, November 2! Report cards will be going home, Tuesday November 13th.

The following students were accepted into the 2019 Jazz All State
Matt Mousseau- Trombone 3 Honors Jazz Band (3rd consecutive year)
Hanna Sabbagh- 2nd Trumpet Honors Jazz Band (2nd consecutive year)
Michael Desjardins- Guitar SATB Jazz Choir